Multifamily Properties: Better than Single-Home Investments?
2020 Outlook for Multifamily Investment Properties Multifamily investment properties offer great returns for investors given the...

Build Your 30-60-90 Day Plan in Minutes, Not Days
The New Year brings a lot of homework for landlords and property managers in 2020: Check to make sure you’re lease agreements are AB1482...

The Gift of Freedom
Where are you at professionally this holiday season? Better question: where are you at personally? There was a time in my life that I...

Thanksgiving Day Roundup: Headlines for Landlords
Top Los Angeles Restaurants are closing to make way for the Frank Gehry-Designed 8150 Sunset Boulevard project in West Hollywood...

Prop 13 Overhaul: Signatures gathered to raise property tax on the top 8%
Image source: thebalance.com Earlier this month, supporters started gathering signatures to increase property taxes on commercial...

Landlords: Three Tips to Work Smarter, Not Harder
Market Update - Courtesy of Our Friends At Mortgage Capital Partners Whether a single home or multiple residential buildings, property...

What's the Return on Investment for Your Property?
Have you ever wondered what the math is behind your Residential Income Property investment? Your ROI (return on investment) comes from...

What Does the Green New Deal Mean for Your Real Estate Investment?
Although the Green New Deal is not expected to pass Congress, it has raised a lot of questions about what the future of real estate...

Creating a 30-60-90 Day Plan for ZERO vacancies
As a landlord on a mission to build wealth through real estate, your goal is to minimize vacancy months. One month of vacancy will cut...

California Passes AB 1482; Waiting on Governor's Signature
UPDATE: Gov. Newsom Expected to Sign Rent Control Bill As Early As Today - What It Means for You Read Full Text of AB 1482 Here...